Camp Waiver and Release of Liability Form
I hereby give my permission for my child(ren)to participate in the ACE Club Camp program.
Participation in any program which involves physical activity exposes the camper to certain risks and dangers. Accidents and injuries are always a possibility, and it is impossible to foresee and protect the camper from all dangers. I hereby affirm that my child(ren) has/have no conditions that would make it unsafe for him/her /them to participate in the camps program(s) selected.
I understand that ACE Club may exclude my child(ren) from Camp in the event that I or my child(ren) fail to abide by the School’s health and safety protocols, disrupt, impede or interfere with the operations of the Camp, or threaten the health, safety or welfare of other participants or Camp staff, and that no refund of any fees will be made in such circumstances.
Medical Consent:
I understand that the ACE Club will make every effort to contact me in the case of an emergency. I give my permission for ACE Club to administer any medications needed and to provide and arrange for and consent to any necessary medical treatment for my child(ren) while at the camp, including onsite and offsite emergency care. I accept responsibility for the costs of all such medical treatment.
By signing this Waiver and Release of Liability, with full appreciation of the risk involved, on my own behalf and on behalf of my child(ren), I hereby voluntarily release and forever discharge ACE Club, employees, and contractors from any and all legal or financial responsibility for any personal injury, disability, illness, damage, medical expense or death, arising from or related to my child(ren)’s participation in Camp. I agree, for myself and my child(ren), not to make any type of legal or equitable claim on ACE Club.
Photo Disclaimer Form
I agree that ACE Club Japan may use such photographs/ footage of my child without my name for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content.
We ask participants to sign the photo consent form so we can put program photos in our promotional materials. Please submit the form below before the event you will be attending.
I grant to ACE Club Japan the right to use photographs or filmed footage of me and/or my child.